There are another perspective about global warming. Existing disasters can drive humankind to devastating end. Scientists who have this opinion said this baseless fears are not only result of carbon dioxide made by human activity. That means, our industrial activity didn't bring severe droughts, famine, and abnormal climate change like abrupt coldness.
Current IPCC(Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) or people that seriously worried about global warming magnify people's fear using inaccurate climate models. So we need to understand fully about exaggerated global warming through accurate historic, scientific grounds.
To judge this, we will look through 1500 year climatic cycle. The earth's history is estimated as 4.6 billion years. In this period, the earth repeated innumberable warming and cooling. And recently occurred warming is part of this cycle. On this page, we will cover global warming through 1500 climatic cycle.
▶Scientists are saying...
There are scientists considering global warming skeptically. They say the fact that global warming issue is accepted exaggeratively and seriously these days is the biggest scientific scandal.
"I am a skeptic ... . Global warming has become a new religion." -- Ivar Giaever, Nobel Prize Winner for Physics,
"Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly, As a scientist I remain skeptical."
-- Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called "among the most pre-eminent scientists of the last 100 years."
Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in the history ... . When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists."
-- U.N. IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning Ph.D. environmental physical chemist.
"CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or another ... . Every scientist knows this, but it doesn't pay to say so ... . Global warming, as a political vehicle, keeps Europeans in the driver's seat and developing nations walking barefoot."
-- Dr. Takeda Kunihiko, vice-chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research at Chubu University in Japan.
"The models and forecasts of the U.N. IPCC "are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity."
-- Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mex
Vulnerable Global warming Theory
First, and most obvious, carbon dioxide changes do not account for the highly variable climate we know the Earth has recently had, including the Roman Warming, the Dark ages, the Medieval Warming, and the Little Ice age. However, these variations fit into the 1,500-year cycle very well.
600-200b.c. ; unnamed cold period that preceded the Roman Warming
200b.c. ; to about ad600 roman warming
600-900 ;dark ages cold period
900-1300 ;medieval warming or little climate optimum
1300-1850 ; little ice age
Second, the Greenhouse Theory does not explain recent temperature changes. Most of the current warming occrued before 1940, before there was much human-generated carbon dioxide in the air. After 1940, temperatures declined until 1975 or so, despite a huge surge in industrial carbon dioxide during that period. These events run counter to the carbon oxide theory, but tey are in accord with the 1,500 year cycle.
Third, the early and supposedly most powerful increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide have not produced the frightening planetary overheating that the theory and climate models told us to expect. We must discount future increments of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, becausse each increment of carbon dioxide increase produces less warming than the unit before it. The amounts of carbon dioxide already added to the atmosphere must already have"use up" much-and perhaps most-of carbon dioxide's forcing capability.
Forth, carbon dioxide for at least 240,000 years has been a logging indicator of global warming, not a casual factor. Within the last 15 years, the ice cores have revealed that temperatures and carbon dioxide levels have tracked closely together during the warmings after each of Earths' last three ice age glaciations. However, the carbon dioxide changes have lagged about 800 years behind the temprature changes. Global warming has produced more carbon dioxide rather than more carbon dioxide producing global warming. This accords with the reality that the oceans hold the vast majority of the planet;s carbon, and the laws of physics let cold oceans hold more carbon dioxide gas than warm oceans.
Fifth, many people insist that the effect of increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should intensify increasing water vapor for excessively heating the earth. It is a fact that water vapor inflowed to atmosphere from ocean is increasing by global warming. Then how about hight atmosphere is more dry than now because hotter and more humid air make more rain and more water are straight fall off the ground? we can't provide that there aren't more water vapor than the past as much as promoting the carbon dioxide effect in the higher atmosphere. In fact We found that there are huge heat-vent in the atmosphere. The fact that If the ocean surface temperature are more than 28'c, more precipitation occurs. is very famous. and this precipitation have enough effect of emitting the heat made by increasing carbon dioxide doubly.
Sixth, this horrible prediction of global warming depend on theoretical computer models, and these models can't even predict present weather accurately.
Earth's 1500-Year climate cycle
It's a 1500 year cycle " Climate records of the past show a roughly 1,500-year cycle. It was first discoverd in ice cores in Greenland. Then it was seen in ocean sediment in the Atlantic. And now it's found everywhere including stalagmites in caves. It shows warming and cooling that could well acount for the current warming"(Fred singer)
For the past million years the natural climate has oscillated between warm periods and ice ages. This shifting in and out of warm periods and ice ages is correlated strongly with Milankovitch cycles. In order to understand the difference between natural cycle and human-caused global warming, one needs to consider changes in radiative forcing and how this affects systems on earth such as the atmosphere, vegetation, ice and snow, ocean cycles and related effects.
Above the table shows the climate pattern from 450,000 years ago to present. Temperature change for the past 150,000 years at the VOSTOK site in Antarctica, absed on the deuterium proxy found in ice cores. If devided seperately This patterns can devided as 1500 years cycle. In history found in Europe and Asia's continent, there were global warming about the 900th year. This called medieval dlimate optimum because in this period, there were stable climate change and not strong storms. And also Humen history recorded there were Little ice age from the 1300th year to 1850th year. But People regards as not connected phenomenon but individual. However, That was changed as people analyze oxygen isotope from ice cores collected in Greenland. The ice cores showed climate histroy during 25,000years like a report. Scientists analyzed proportion of oxyzen isotope(O-16), and this isotope informed temperature at that time. Scientist expected they can find evidence that make clear about well-known the 90,000 year glacial epoch and temperate interglacial epoch, and the ice cores results showed that climate change. In addation, they found that Earth's cliamte has changed in a obvious(not that strong) 2,550 cycle. But in the mid of 1980s, Worlds were convinced of global warming theory and humans' industrial activy has increased enough to change earth climate. Till then, the foundings of Willi Dansgaard and Hans Oeschger didn't become generally known was hided in Greenland. but after 1984, that had been changed because of researches supporting these facts.
▶Grounds of climate cycle -ice core records
The ice cores, which cover the last 800,000 years, have led to vigorous scientific investigation into the possible causes of abrupt climate change.Such evidence comes from the accumulation of layers of ancient snow, which compact to form the ice sheets we see today. Each layer of ice can reveal past temperatures and even evidence for the timing and magnitude of distant storms or volcanic eruptions. By drilling cores in the ice an international team of scientists have reconstructed an incredible record of past climates. Until now such temperature records from Greenland have covered only the last 100,000 years or so.The team’s reconstruction is based on the much longer ice core temperature record retrieved from Antarctica and uses a mathematical formulation to extend the Greenland record beyond its current limit.
“Our approach is based on an earlier suggestion that the record of Antarctic temperature variability could be derived from the Greenland record,” says study leader Stephen Barker of Cardiff University. “However, we turned this idea on its head to derive a much longer record for Greenland using the available records from Antarctica.”
The research published in the journal Science demonstrates abrupt climate change has been a systemic feature of Earth’s climate for hundreds of thousands of years and may play an active role in longer term climate variability through its influence on ice age terminations.
“It is intriguing to get an insight into what abrupt climate variability may have looked like before the Greenland records begin. We now have to wait until longer Greenland records are produced so that we can see how successful our prediction is,” says Barker.
The new predictions provide an extended testing bed for the climate models that are used to predict future climate variability.
▶Grounds of climate cycle -solar activity
The Sun has a cycle of about 11 years from minimum to maximum and back to minimum magnetic activity. This cycle can be observed by the numbers of sunspots formed on the surface of the Sun. During a cycle, the sunspot numbers increase, flares are common and coronal mass ejections occur until the Sun’s polarity “flips”. This usually is the point at which the so-called solar maximum is reached. The activity on the Sun begins to decrease. The cycle eventually reaches a point where very few sunspots are observed. This is the completion of a cycle.
The chart below shows the magnetic fields of several previous solar cycles and the current cycle 24. The North polar field is nearing the zero on its way to swapping sides with the south polar field. Note, also, that the magnitude of cycle 24’s field is not as large as the previous cycles./
Monthly averages (updated monthly) of the sunspot numbers show that the number of sunspots visible on the sun waxes and wanes with an approximate 11-year cycle, The last five cycles are shown in the diagram below.
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. This energy is enourmous. but the energy reaching earth is one in 2 billion, Earth absorb only 70% of the energy. The world annual consumption is just only amount of 1hour of this energy. Sun is like huge fusion reactor. Using method of solar energy is solar heat and solar radiation. Alternative energy is endlessness, no pollution and absolute source of energy by preserving a heat balance. So Solar activity is greatly related to Earth energy change.
"German scientists found important data showing how solar radiation affect to climate change. They detected electrically charged mass of particles by solar radiation from the lower class of the atmospheric layer. They reported that these particles can be a condensation nucleus making a thick cloud layer. The amount of Solar radiation reached Earth a ffected by solar activity, many scientists pointed out that this connection between solar activity and Earth climate change was underestimated."
Sun is massive, eternal source of Earth energy. But in recent years, It turns out that isotope change in ice cores, tree's growing ring, submarine deposit shows connection between Earth's 1,500 climatic cycle and Solar activity. NASA and Richard Wilson from Columbia university collected data observed by ACRIM satellite between 1978 and 2003, and make a 25-year data related to total solar radiation. They said after the late 1970s, solar radiation increased almost 0.05% per 10 years, and this 0.05% change is equal to the energy used by universe.
As we can see in above pictures, The realation between length of Solar cycle and Earth's temperature measure in north hemisphere is surprisingly big. Most of all, amount of ozone change by cosmic ray and solar fluctuation is connected to severe climate change in Earth.
Sun emits recharged particles steadily through solar wind, and This protect cosmic ray surrounding the Earth. Solar wind is different by solar radiation. If the solar activity is weak, solar wind blows weakly, and more cosmic rays impenetrate the atmosphere and make more low level clouds in sequence. so more energy which is dominated by visible rays are reflected to out the earth. It is called cold effect. Otherwise, when the solar activity are strong, solar wind gets stronger and protect cosmic rays more efficiently, and low level clouds would decrease so warming come up. This clouds is main role of the most important temperature controller
+The Milankovich orbital cycles occur with different periodicity in the tens of thousands of years, creating overlapping resonances with potential chaotic results on climate.Another multi-thousand year orbital cycle which could easily influence global climate, is the slightly varying angle of Earth's solar orbit to the ecliptic. As the planet falls slightly below the plane and risis slightly above the plane of the ecliptic -- over tens of thousands of years -- the thickness of intervening dust between Earth and Sun varies. This periodically alters the ensolation of the Earth's system. Such cycles may have subtle effects, but in combination with other overlapping resonances, these overlapping effects may push the system into a chaotic result.
▶Huge climatic heat vent in pacific ocean
Hydrothermal vents form at fissures torn into Earth’s crust by our planet’s persistent rebuilding of its house, by its slow-motion rearrangement of ocean basins and continents. Much of this building takes place down the spine of the longest mountain range on Earth, the 45,000-mile underwater chain threading through the center of all the ocean basins and connecting one to the next.
NASA reported in 2001 that MIT's Richard Lindzen and a NASA research team had found a huge climatic heat-vent over the warm pool of the Pacific, the planet's warmest spot. The vent seems to open naturally to release extra heat when the sea surface temperature rises. The team analyzed twenty months of detailed daily satellite observations of cloud cover and sea surface temperatures for the vast ocean region from Australia and Japan to the Hawaiian Islands. The cloud cover data came from Japan's GMS-5 Geostationary Meteorological Satellite and the sea surface temperatures came from the U.S National Centers for Environmental Predictions.
"High clouds over the western tropical Pacific Ocean seem to systematically derease when sea surface temperatures are higher." said Arthur Hou, a member of the Lindzen team. Those high clouds are the ones that trap heat in the atmosphere. "With warmer sea surface temperatures beneath the cloud, the coalescence process that produces precipitation becomes more efficient," said Lindzen. "More of the cloud droplets from raindrops and fewer are left in the cloud to form ice crystals. As a result, the area of cirrus cloud is reduced." Icy cirrus clouds are poor sunshields, but very efficient insulators. A decrease in cirrus cloud area would cool the Earth by allowing more heat energy to leave the atmosphere.
The NASA-MIT study strongly suggests that the Earth is much more active in managing its atmospheric temperatures than the computer models have assumed, and thus much less sensitive to warming effects.
The Linden team's results confirmed an earlier study done by researchers from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. That team, led by NASA's Y.C. Sud, used satellite data on cloud cover and sea surface data from airplaned to analyze why the sea surface temperature in the "warm pool"varies almost entirely between 28 and 30℃. They found that temperatures above 28℃ charge the air with more moisture, creating more clouds, even as they encourage cool, dry downdrafts of air that lower the sea surface temperature.
After the Lindzen paper was published, Science featured two more studies confirming the Lindzen heat vent findings on 1 February 2002. One was led by Junye Chen of Columbia University and the other by NASA's Bruce A. Weilicki. Their common finding:that the Pacific's vertical heat vent emitted about as much heat energy during the 1980s and 1990s as is generally predicted for an instantaneous doubling of the air's Co2 content. Yet only very slight changes in the sea surface temperature were observed. NASA issued a press release on the discovery of the "heat vent" The original study was based on the best modern technology for climate observations: a geostationary satellite. with a massive accumulation of new data, and the most accurate sea surface temperatures taken since the ships threw away their galvanized buckets.
Asied from a few small think tanks, however, nobody paid any attention. Articles appear almost daily about "abrupt ice ages" and "millions of extinct species" based on nothing more than self-aggrandizing speculation. But the thrice-confirmed evidence that the pacific Ocean tends to quietly and naturally vent its extra heat back to outer space-protecting the biosphere-isn't news.
Unstoppable global warming: every 1,500 years-Siegfried Fred Singer, Dennis T. Avery